Sleek and simple red geometric shapes like squares or rectangles stacked on top of each other, with a gold accent line dividing them for a contemporary Chinese touch.
In 2025, featuring the word '2025' in ancient Chinese red lanterns and red ancient Chinese buildings, with a row of small words 'Happy New Year' below, set against a white background, minimalist, simple design, high-resolution photography.
An aerial view of a majestic black and white cat walking across and deep into a series of thin black lines in a liminal anxious space. The contrast between the women's black and white stripes and lines below creates a mesmerizing visual effect, great optical art, minimalistic.
A playful and chic wallpaper featuring alternating stripes of different shades of pink, interspersed with polka dots in coordinating colors. The pattern should be fun yet refined, creating a dynamic and stylish look suitable for a fashion-forward smartphone user.